On Saturday, 15th of February 2020 and one day after Valentine’s Day, 66 youngsters came on a weekend day to spend it by playing boardgames developed through our Erasmus+ KA2 project “Gamification Methods for Educational Management”.

Gamification is the use of game design and mechanics to enhance non-game contexts by increasing participation, engagement, loyalty and competition.  The general aim of the project is to develop gamification non-formal education methodologies and instruments for young people aged 18-23.

Over the course of the last year, our team involved in the project developed this methodologies and instruments into the form of 4 boardgames (so far), meant to be played by youngsters in their trainings and competence gaining, to improve their skills and gain new ones.

For the purpose of testing and gaining feedback, 66 young people responded to our invitation and came to our multiplier event, where they attended a short presentation of the project, of the intellectual outputs, learned while giving feedback from playing the actual games and had a lot of fun while doing it!

Learn more about the project from our project’s website: https://game-edu.eu

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