IO5 – Manual for Youth Workers – How to Use Gamification Methods in Youth Work and Other Educational Experiences
The manual will be based on a research undertaken by 10 researchers of the 5 partner organizations, and will focus on the results obtained (board game, card game, application, online test), but also on collecting successful experiences of using gamification in projects performed by the consortium and associated partners in the past.
The manual will comprise of 5 chapters as follows:
The manual has 3 main Chapters:
1. What is Gamification
2.Why use Gamification
3. Gamification activities
The manual has 58 pages and has been developed between August – November 2020.
The activities from the manual aim at using the motivational power of games and include such components as:
- a goal that has to be achieved
- rules that specify how the goal is to be reached
- a feedback system that shows the progress achieved
- the principle of voluntary participation
To gain such results, a few basic principles need to be borne in mind:
1) Hands-on approach. Instead of giving knowledge, learning by doing need to be promoted;
2) Simulations. The “knowledge to memorize” needs to be substituted with roleplaying, which creates and improve skills, habits and behaviours. It initiates the independent thinking process, problem-solving ability and creativity, which are necessary skills for the future market
3) Creativity. There are different ways of problem-solving, and each approach needs to be analysed individually, not judged. In the case of young people, it eliminates the fear of express, enhances initiative and allows creativity;
4) Feedback. Different methods can be borrowed from games and digital apps to give meaningful feedback on the job done and motivate them to do even better. It allows visualizing progress and comparing to others;
5) Social component. Synergy can be reached within a collaboration with others, and new things learned, by simply discussing in a team. Self-development cannot be reached without practical life skills training.

DOWNLOAD THE MANUAL FROM HERE: IO5 – Manual for Youth Workers – How to Use Gamification Methods in Youth Work and Other Educational Experiences