Intellectual Output 2 – Board Game
It will be designed for a minimum of 12 participants, a maximum of 40 participants. They will be divided into 4 teams (minimum 3 people / team, maximum 10 people / team). The difference between the number of players in the teams cannot be greater than 1 (ie there may be 3 teams of 3 and 4 each). The game will be played in turn, with each team waiting for the turn to give it with the dice. Advancement on the board is only done by throwing the dice. While a team gives the dice, the other teams have the right to interact with each other (negotiate, create strategies, talk, ask), but they have no right to change anything on the game board until they move. Within each team, each player will have another role. Depending on the role played at the beginning of the game, each player is allowed different actions (eg: only the negotiator can negotiate resources, only the ambassador may propose alliances).
The 4 teams will represent 4 fictional cities on a fictional continent. The role of the game is to make fictional cities grow as much as possible. It is the decision of each team to decide on how much they want their cities to develop. Resources are won by dice. On the edge of the board, each team will have the pawn placed on a resource strip. Each roll of the dice will give the team some resources or the right to draw a gambling card, or a question book, or a resource book, an additional mission card. The game ends when one of the teams reaches the number of 100 points
The game wants to be competitive, but in a constructive manner. It is intended to be an educational management resource that can be used by youth workers, trainers, teachers, group leaders in working with young people, students, students, participants in youth exchanges.
This is where we are so far:
– finished the design of the board
– finished the design of the cards
– finished the design of the questions and algorithm of the game